Step by step set up of call accounting: (this can take about 15 minutes if you prepare ahead of time)
- Set up an appointment with the customer (ask for a Microsoft Windows computer)
- Spec’s: pick a computer they can be left on – it does not need to be dedicated but does need internet access to download the software.
- Equip your telephone system with the needed serial connection card or IP (SMDR data programming) IP is normally included with the phone system
- Identify the computer port numbers used for IP SMDR data (from you switch manual)
- To install the software use the link: Call Accounting Downloads: (
- Review the downloading instructions on this page and then download the Ultimate Call Accounting 0 + (full installation) – PWFULL.exe choose Save File
- After downloading the program chose to run the program from the downloads folder
- Press unzip then OK to install the program
- Use the default directories
- Press START, locate Ultimate Call Accounting – click to start program
- Pricing wizard: If you know the load and long distance rates put them in if not choose: Free local calls – LD rates .03 for the first minute & .03 for the subsequent minutes – and finally put in the area (Do not put a check in the Centrex 9 in most cases)
- Initial Setup: Fill in the company name -> choose the phone system from the pull-down menu
-> leave the limits at default -> do not check Echo Call records to file. SMDR Configuration: Source of the SMDR (Serial would require a Comm Port) most are now TCP/IP Client or Server (for example, Toshiba IP systems use TCP/IP Server, and the default Port is 7000 but can be changed to match your phone system program)
- If using IP when you press Connect )
- Review the downloading instructions on this page and then download the Ultimate Call Accounting 0 + (full installation) – PWFULL.exe choose Save File
- After downloading the program chose to run the program from the downloads folder
- Press unzip then OK to install the program – use the default directories
- Press START, locate Ultimate Call Accounting – click to start program
- Pricing wizard: If you know the load and long distance rates put them in if not choose: Free local calls – LD rates .03 for the first minute & .03 for the subsequent minutes – and finally put in the area (Do not put a check in the Centrex 9 in most cases)
- Initial Setup: Fill in the company name -> choose the phone system from the pull-down menu -> leave the limits at default -> do not check Echo Call records to SMDR Configuration: Source of the SMDR (Serial would require a Comm Port) most are now TCP/IP Client or Server. (for example, Toshiba IP systems use TCP/IP Server and the default Port is 7000 but can be changed to match your phone system program)
- If using IP when you press Connect