Downloading Ultimate Software Applications
This section has the current download of software for Call Accounting & Ultimate Communicator applications. These applications are to be installed on computers with Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 or Windows Servers with 2008, 2010, or 2012.
General information about upgrades and current executables
The Ultimate Call Accounting files will require a license activation to see the reports. License options are for: (90 days – 1 year – 5 years, or outright ownership) Tech support is at 262.789.9649, email at info@Contact, or text at 414.422.9001.
If you are an Ultimate Call Accounting customer with a software version 9.0 or older, call 262- 789-9654 or email [email protected] for instructions on how to upgrade the current software:
- You will need to know the current software level (check under “help & about” on the software menu you are now using)
- Give us your company name, city, and state.
- If possible, give us the type of telephone system you have in place now (sometimes you can find this by looking at the bottom of your telephone)
- Give us the name of the phone system service company (if you know it.) It may be the company you bought the phone system from or who you call when you need service or to add or move a telephone.