You have heard – those who can’t sell – consult. That may be true of some but not me. I used to be a consultant, in recent history I was the president of a local non-profit senior apartment complex. The management asked me to come back and assist with the technology issues: phone service, TV service, internet service and so forth. Looking back on the last several months I learned several things:
• Wireless, wireless, wireless!
• Cloud base service lives – premised based is like a “dead man walking!” ☹
• Ask, Listen & Learn
So how does that affect our Ultimate services for you?
• Everything we offer can have a cloud base. (school bells, call accounting reports, appointment reminders and emergency response system) You have standard SIP we can interface.
• We have added wireless triggers for emergencies. We have mobile apps that trigger internal page messages and external voice calls, text messages and mass message announcements. As a result- you and your customer stay connected.
• Niche products we have few local sources and support (like door entry systems). Ultimate is your service partner for these niche applications using remote assistance for installs, training, being a continual consultant and ongoing support Some key links:
- On Time for Anything Keeping a schedule and making locations safer
- Staff Alert 911 Wireless and & mobile triggers for all organizational ‘what if plans.’
- More Office Visits Appointment reminders by voice text and emails
- Ultimate Call Accounting Call accounting and traffic studies
- Voice Text Email the Ultimate Communicator service for sending text & audio messages